Our cluster purpose is to welcome and inspire the community to share and nurture our Catholic faith through prayer, sacraments, service, and love of God. Our core values are community (understanding, caring and addressing the needs of individuals, couples and families), encouragement (giving hope, inspirations and support to others), excellence (maintaining the highest ministry standards that bring glory to God in Faith Formation, sacred liturgy and community service), and prayer (communicating with God in words, in song and in the silence of one's heart).
Sacred Heart Parish
La Porte City, IA 50651
St. Mary Parish
Waterloo, IA 50701 (Eagle Center)
St. Paul Parish
Traer, IA 50675
New Members
Would you like to become a member of one of the parishes in Prince of Peace Cluster?
We invite you to fill out our registration form: Click here and return it to the Cluster Office at
dbq199sec@dbqarch.org or 1102 Walnut St. Traer, IA 50675
Becoming a regitered member allows us to stay in touch and provides avenues for becoming involved in Liturgical Celebrations, Parish Life activities, Pastoral Council and more! Welcome, we're happy you're here!
Cluster Mass Time
Prince of Peace Cluster Mass times are on a four month rotation.
The following Mass times run through December 28/29, 2024:
4:00 pm Saturday, Sacred Heart, LaPorte City
8:00 am Sunday, St. Mary of Mt Carmel, Eagle Center
10:00 am Sunday, St. Paul, Traer
Updated Calendar
Check out our updated calendar via the Calendar Tab at the top of the page;
now equiped with Faith Formation activities and more!